About the INDex

About the INDex

The INDex: all resources in a single place!

Featuring more than 40 organizations and over a hundred programs, the INDex is a community database that provides essential information on services for Indigenous peoples in Tiohtià:ke/Montreal.

The name INDex was chosen as IND stands for Indigenous, and the word “index” represents the desired result: to direct individuals to resources that correspond to their needs.

Search on the INDex

Indigenous web users and front-line workers can search for resources by keyword, location, type of service, language of service and demographic group (nation or community, age, gender, etc.).

Ultimately, INDex aims to promote cultural safety by providing Indigenous peoples with comprehensive and up-to-date information on programs designed specifically for them. While cultural safety cannot be measured or guaranteed, certain factors combined can enhance cultural safety, namely :


The Clientele

The clientele is composed of Indigenous people, in other words, people who can recognize, respect and nurture our cultural identity, and perhaps speak our maternal language. Experiences of exclusion and discrimination are less frequent when we find ourselves among our peers, and we can be ourselves more freely by reducing our exposure to colonial barriers and stereotypes.

The Specialization

Indigenous populations and their needs are at the heart of the program’s specialization. Workers are aware of the cultural diversity at the heart of Indigenous communities, of the impact of colonial practices on the peoples they serve, and of traditional healing methods. They are committed to adopting practices that respect cultures and traditions, and provide trauma-informed care. The interventions strive to be guided by cultural competence.

The Connection

The program is run by an Indigenous organization, or by a non-Indigenous organization that fosters relationships with the NETWORK and with the Indigenous sector in Tiohtià:ke, to ensure that its practices are consistent with and evolve according to the needs of the community.

Try the INDex today!

Are you looking for the support of an Elder, for help in finding housing, for a worker to accompany you to an appointment, for an Indigenous language classes, a cultural workshops, or even traditional food?

Whether you are living, moving to or visiting Tiohtià:ke, the INDex can support you in your steps!

Search on the INDex


Your Organization on the INDex

The INDex presents front-line Indigenous programs* or Indigenous serving programs** available in Tiohtià:ke and offered by non-profit organizations.

If you are an organization promoted in the INDex, and you would like to make changes to your profile, or if you are an organization that meets the criteria enumerated above, and you would like your organization to be published in the INDex, write to us at the following address: communications@reseaumtlnetwork.com


* Indigenous programs: Programs delivered by Indigenous Organizations, according to the NETWORK’s definition of an Indigenous organization***.

** Indigenous-Serving programs: Programs specifically dedicated to Indigenous community members, that are delivered by Non-Indigenous organizations.

*** Indigenous Organization: Organization that meets the following criteria: the organization was founded by an Indigenous person or group, the organization is led by Indigenous people (more than 50% of the decision makers must be Indigenous), the organization is made up of Indigenous people, with a minimum of 50% of its employees being Indigenous (this criteria does not apply to organizations with fewer than five employees), more than 50% of the organization’s members and beneficiaries are Indigenous.

History and Words of Gratitude 

In the midst of a pandemic, organizations of the Indigenous sector in Tiohtià:ke expressed the need to have an up-to-date tool to know the resources available for their clienteles. The creation of the INDex then proved to be a collaborative task, as members of the Indigenous community, front-line workers and leaders of organizations in the sector conducted detailed interviews to build the INDex and evaluate its relevance. The support of the City of Montreal and the Smart Cities project (Projet Villes Intelligentes) was fundamental to the development of this innovative platform which also supports Indigenous organizations in the dissemination of their essential information regarding the services they offer to Indigenous peoples in Tiohtià:ke. We would like to thank all the actors who participated in this project: the INDex is the result of a collective effort!

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