Event on love and sexuality of Indigenous peoples; call for participation
Le Cercle des Premières Nations de l’UQAM (CPNUQAM), in collaboration with the Centre interuniversitaire d’études et de recherches autochtones (CIÉRA), and the Chaire stratégique partenariale de l’UQAM en savoirs et traditions orales autochtones, invites you to submit your participation in our event Love and Sexuality in Indigenous People, to be held in Montreal on May 1st 2025.

Sexuality among Indigenous people remains a subject that has received too little attention, or at least is still heavily influenced by the legacies of colonization. Stories told by the colonizers tell us that, when they first came into contact with the natives, the latter lived in societies where sexuality was lived freely and to the full. Subsequently, the religions imported by the colonizers had a major impact on the way this sexuality unfolded, mainly because it became increasingly taboo.
Then, with the residential school era, the repercussions of colonization became more pronounced, creating multiple social and individual problems, particularly in terms of indigenous sexuality (see, for ex., the book Eros et Tabou. Sexualité et genre chez les Amérindiens et les Inuit, edited by Gilles Havard et Frédécic Laugrand). Until recently, this was a little-addressed issue.
Fortunately, in recent years, people have begun to talk about it more and more, even publicly. New generations are reclaiming their power over bodily and emotional expression (see, for ex.: Barker, 2017; Burns, 2020; Kuhn, 2024; Picq, 2020; Picq et Tikuna, 2019; Smithers, 2022; Soldatic et al., 2022; Whitehead, 2017).
Our event will feature a round table of researchers, followed by a period during which several organizations and practitioners will present their experiences, as well as a round table of personalities, followed by a cultural evening with the collaboration of the International First Peoples ‘s Festival. All activities will address the theme of the event with respect and openness.
If you would like to take part in this event as a researcher, speaker, artist or simply attend the event, please
contact us!
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