
Launch of PHAC Intersectoral Action Fund

15 July 2024
We’re pleased to be able to inform you that the Public Health Agency of Canada’s Intersectoral Action Fund (ISAF) has launched a solicitation, seeking proposals for upstream community-based projects that integrate health, equity and wellbeing considerations into local decision-making, and that promote positive change (e.g., development of a local or regional food security strategy addressing inequalities).


Eligible organizations include:

  • Canadian not-for-profit voluntary organizations and corporations
  • Organizations and institutions supported by provincial and territorial governments (regional health authorities, community health centres, schools, post-secondary institutions)
  • Indigenous organizations, including Indigenous government organizations; and
  • Regional and municipal governments and agencies

Additional information available here 

For additional information about this funding opportunity, please contact: cgc.solicitations-csc@phac-aspc.gc.ca with the subject line “Intersectoral Action Fund”.


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