LAOT feedback session
You are cordially invited to the Land As Our Teacher (LAOT) feedback and sharing session happening in person on Saturday May 14th 2022 from 12 PM – 4 PM, hosted by the Montreal Indigenous Community NETWORK!
Urban Indigenous youth (16 to 30 years old) in the Greater Montreal Area who participate in the session will receive an honorarium of $20/hour payable by cash the day of the event, or by direct deposit to their bank accounts after the event. The purpose of the event is to receive feedback and share findings from last year’s LAOT event, as well as to receive ideas and suggestions for a future LAOT event. So even if you did not attend last year’s LAOT event, you are more than welcome to attend and brainstorm with us!
For more information and to register for the event, please fill out the registration form below before May 2st 2022 to confirm your attendance and secure your honorarium as an urban Indigenous youth living in the Greater Montreal Area. Food and refreshments will be offered during the event, and the NETWORK will provide childcare services for those who wish to bring their children to the event. STM tickets will also be available for those who need them to return home after the event.

Need support?
Are you an Indigenous person in Tiohtià:ke?
The NETWORK creates content regularly to help you connect with the community, discover opportunities in the city, and find resources that will answer your specific needs.
Consult our various sections to learn more.