The STRATEGY for Safety, Well-being, and Belonging
The STRATEGY for Safety, Well-being and Belonging is a multi-year project funded by Public Safety Canada with the goal of developing a plan that addresses the needs identified by Indigenous youth. It aims to implement pilot projects that increase the safety and well-being of urban Indigenous youth through a lens of crime prevention and providing direct low-barrier programming.
The priorities identified aim to be implemented over the next two to four years. The objective is for Indigenous and other community organizations to take ownership over these pilot projects to provide sustainable and long-term support for the well-being and belonging of urban Indigenous communities in the Greater Montreal area. The STRATEGY reflects a continued commitment to listen to community needs and bring together the necessary resources to create systems and services that meet these needs.

Calling out for projects
Now officially launched, our next step is to host pilot projects that address the needs identified in the STRATEGY recommendations (see the Report on pages 28-31). As one of the core principles of the STRATEGY is Indigenous youth governance, Indigenous youth and the NETWORK’s Youth Advisors are invited to send us their project ideas by emailing us at: strategy@reseaumtlnetwork.com
Other entities are also welcomed to pitch their ideas, although we will be prioritizing projects led by Indigenous youth. An assessment of projects will be made on a case by case basis.
(Photo: Cory Hunlin)
Need support?
Are you an Indigenous person in Tiohtià:ke?
The NETWORK creates content regularly to help you connect with the community, discover opportunities in the city, and find resources that will answer your specific needs.
Consult our various sections to learn more.