On October 20th, 2022, the Montreal Indigenous Community NETWORK launched the STRATEGY for Safety, Well-being and Belonging. Held at the Science Centre in the Old Port, the launch consisted of three parts.
The morning session welcomed the NETWORK’s partner organizations from the public sector to present the key principles and recommendations from the STRATEGY and to engage in discussion about advancing and implementing the recommendations. The afternoon session welcomed Indigenous youth, youth advisors and community organizations to hear about the research that they helped to produce, to engage in discussions that served to validate the recommendations and to spend time prioritizing the next steps. The evening session focused on celebrating the work that went into the STRATEGY, particularly by the youth advisors, Elders, community support workers and NETWORK staff and collaborators.
Highlights of the day included multiple performances, the presence of Indigenous artists and vendors, a community drumming circle, a round dance and the ability to gather in one space after several years of not being able to do so. The NETWORK would like to thank everyone that attended and participated in this launch. We look forward to collaborating on the next steps of implementing the STRATEGY.

Read the report
You can now read the STRATEGY Report that was launched at the event! Guided by Indigenous methodologies, the STRATEGY research emphasized a relational approach, storytelling, connection to the land, as well as implementing healing practices. Discussion circles were conducted with Indigenous youth to understand their lived experiences in the city and for them to identify barriers and propose solutions for the future.
(Photo: Joni Bertrand)
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