Weaving resilient communities

In order to create bonds between the various members of the Indigenous community in Tiohtià:ke/Montreal, the NETWORK regularly organizes events.
Getting together enables us to celebrate the accomplishments of the Indigenous sector. We raise our voices for our shared priorities to be heard, and to better support each other in addressing community needs. Led by a collective heartbeat, we move forward to make Tiohtià:ke a safer place that honours our presence, our cultures, and our innovations.

To facilitate knowledge transfer and to strengthen a sense of community, the NETWORK organizes gatherings that follow a simple but effective recipe: bring key people together – to work in a defined space – on clear objectives.
Here are some examples of gatherings we have recently organized:
General Meetings

Each summer, we invite the community to contribute to the NETWORK’s democratic process by attending our Annual General Meetings. This is a good opportunity to learn about the latest developments, to ask questions about funding, and to elect directors to the Board. When necessary, the Board of Directors can also call a Special General Meeting on requisition of members.