Our Actions


Weaving resilient communities

In order to create bonds between the various members of the Indigenous community in Tiohtià:ke/Montreal, the NETWORK regularly organizes events. 


To facilitate knowledge transfer and to strengthen a sense of community, the NETWORK organizes gatherings that follow a simple but effective recipe: bring key people together – to work in a defined space – on clear objectives

Here are some examples of gatherings we have recently organized:
Research and Reconciliation
Youth and Elders
Launch of the Indigenous Ally Toolkit
Land As Our Teacher (LAOT)
Launch of the Decolonial Toolbox
Launch of the STRATEGY for Safety, Well-being and Belonging launch

General Meetings

Each summer, we invite the community to contribute to the NETWORK’s democratic process by attending our Annual General Meetings. This is a good opportunity to learn about the latest developments, to ask questions about funding, and to elect directors to the Board. When necessary, the Board of Directors can also call a Special General Meeting on requisition of members.

Upcoming Events

Stay tuned for updates on our upcoming events.

Past events

10 June 2024
AGM 2024
Celebrating the sector
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25 April 2024
Eyes Wide Open
Community Initiatives Supporting Indigenous Peoples Experiencing Homelessness in Montreal
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11 August 2023
The NETWORK will be present for Pride 2023
Join us for the Pride festivities!
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15 June 2023
2023 AGM
Together, we are stronger!
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03 June 2023
Growing our roots
Community planning event for Indigenous peoples in Tiohtià:ke
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11 February 2023
For the love of Youth
Collectively brainstorming and developing projects
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21 October 2022
Gathering for our Youth's Future
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16 June 2022
2022 AGM
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14 May 2022
LAOT feedback session
Calling out all Indigenous Youth in and around Tiohtià:ke/Montreal!
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13 August 2021
Land As Our Teacher (LAOT)
Meet the need for cultural activities related to the territory
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06 December 2018
Spring Gathering
A plan for the years to come.
Read more

To stay informed about our upcoming events and those of other Indigenous organizations or groups in Tiohtià:ke/Montreal, follow us on social media!

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